Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The most Funniest status updates ever

the names of the authors are in blue and it links to their Facebook profile!! some of the most "alive" human beings I have come across in Facebook so far!! they've such amazing sense of humor!! :D

Tom GuntoriusOh My God!!! There is sooo much horse leftover! I guess I wasn't as hungry as I thought.

See MoreLet's play post office... Lick me, stick me, and send me on my way ;)

Tom GuntoriusI was watching some porn and this girl managed to gag on the guy's cock for up to five minutes at a time. Amazed by such a performance, I tried this with my wife and ended up killing her.
Turns out that I just have a slow internet connection.

Nobo DyIf "Someday" ever comes, we're all gonna be quite busy....

Adam AppleYou can fake orgasms but you can’t fake funny

Nobo DyWall Street women should occupy my bed

Nobo DyI bet if I had x-ray vision, I'd be able to tell a woman, nice ribs.

Ari AbalosFacebook should have a limit on times you can change your relationship status. After 3 it should default to "Unstable."

Nobo DyIf I learned anything from Forest Gump it's that people who love to run are retarded.

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