Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year 2014 Resolutions To make Your Life Awesome(35+)

New Years Eve is often seen as a time of rebirth, the chance to start anew. All of us come up with the regular resolutions for the upcoming year (losing weight, seeing relatives more often and/or falling in love ), but often our ideas of what ought to fine-tune are broad. This New Years Eve, they ought to all vow to take a closer look in to our lives & make decisions about ourselves then. These are the 25 New Years resolutions every person ought to make:

1.Stop posting negative sh*t about celebrities on social media. Miley Cyrus does not care what you think about her haircut, Justin Bieber does not care what you think of his tattoos & Gwyneth Paltrow couldnt care less regarding what you think about her diet.

2. Leave the country. In the event you dont have funds, look in to doing charity work abroad. Some programs will sponsor you.

3. Cease resenting yourself for drunk texting your ex. Definite, its a small embarrassing, but at least you're addressing your feelings. Not that you ought to aim to drink a complete bottle of rum then see what happens, but¦ roll with the punches.

4. In the event you hate your job, quit your job. Repeat after me: THE MONEY IS NOT WORTH IT. Food & shelter are clutch though, so make definite you have another job lined up.

5. Cease beating yourself up for skipping the gym on days you truly didnt have time. But also, cease skipping the gym on days you had lots of time to go.

6. Make up  not to be confused with make out  with an ex.

7. Rid yourself of enemies. Apologize for what you did wrong & forgive those who have wronged you.

9. In the event you think someone is cute, say  a hi & introduce yourself. Every relationship you have ever had started with a greeting.

8. Rid yourself of frenemies.Don't spend 2014 surrounded by people you secretly despise.

10. Leave your phone number for someone. Worst-case scenario: you wont receive a call & perhaps you'll feel a small bit embarrassed. Irrespective of the result, you put yourself out there & probably made the other persons day.

12. Cross something off your bucket list. Sky dive, bungee jump, scuba dive, etc. Don't make excuses as to why you cant accomplish something, and check out

11. Cease caring about how lots of people like your Instagram images. In case you like the picture to post it, what else matters? Social media anxiety is a waste of time.

13. Cease hating yourself for eating dessert. A piece of birthday cake is a right, not a privilege.

14. Keep a journal. It doesnât must be something you use every day, but documenting your experiences is brilliantly important. Youâl appreciate it later.

15. Strengthen relationships with relatives members. Blood is thicker than water.

16. Help strangers. a Pay it forward, a do nice things for the world and don't post a Facebook status about it.

17. Conquer a fear. Personally, I fear Bikram yoga.

18. Turn off your smartphone at dinner.

19. Don' check your Twitter feed when you're with friends.

20. Try a fashion trend you seldom thought you could pull off. And, do it with confidence. Floppy hats, snap backs, Harem pants; you can do it!

21. Double-text without fear. THOU SHALL NOT BE IGNORED!

22. Shop locally, eat locally and recognize where your funds is going. Consumers control the economy, so visit the mom-and-pop coffee shop down the street in lieu of Starbucks. Shop at boutiques than chains (they aren't all pricey trust me). Try in lieu of retail conglomerates.

24. Cease being so shallow. Next time you find yourself judging anyone based on his or her appearance, imagine the person standing in front of you saying, I'm pretty. You'll start to think it.

23. Cry. When you're happy and when you're sad; embrace your emotions as they come.

25. In case you need anyone to commit to you, vocalize it. Don't accept being someone's f*ck buddy if that isn't what you need. Together is the waiting period between a talking and a datingâ; purgatory shouldn't last forever.

26. Spend More Time with Relatives & Friends
Recent polls conducted by General Nutrition Centers, Quicken, & others shows that over 50% of Americans vow to appreciate loved ones & spend more time with relatives & friends this year. Make designs to meet up with friends for an evening of comaraderie at a favourite Pittsburgh restaurant or take the relatives to of these popular Pittsburgh places for relatives fun. Work should not always come first!

27. Slot in Fitness
The facts is in for fitness. Regular exercise has been associated with more health benefits than anything else known to man. Studies show that it reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity, helps accomplish and maintain weight loss, enhances mood, lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. In short, exercise keeps you healthy and makes you feel and look better

28. Tame the Bulge
Over 66 percent of adult Americans are thought about fat or fat by recent studies, so it is not surprising to find that weight loss is of the most popular New Year's resolutions. Setting reasonable goals and staying focused are the most important factors in sticking with a weight loss program, and the key to success for those millions of Americans who made a New Year's dedication to shed additional pounds. 

29. Quit Smoking
In the event you have resolved to make this the year that you stamp out your smoking habit, over-the-counter availability of nicotine replacement therapy now provides simpler access to proven quit-smoking aids. Even if you have tried to quit before and failed, don't let it get you down. On average, smokers try about times before they quit for lovely. Start enjoying the remainder of your smoke-free life! Even Allegheny County is trying to go smoke-free, and it is taken them a few tries as well. Locally, there's a quantity of free support services, hotlines and smoking cessation classes to help you kick the smoking habit. 

30. Enjoy Life More
Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of millions of Americans, it is no wonder that "enjoying life more" has become a popular resolution in recent years. It is an important step to a happier and healthier you! Think about of Pittsburgh's holistic healing centers for products designed to bring balance to your body, mind and soul. Or get out and try something new! Take up a brand new hobby or try your hand at skiing. Go to a theater performance, or head to the local spa. Pittsburgh offers a wealth of artistic and recreational activities to meet anyone's wishes.

31. Quit Drinking
While lots of people use the New Year as an incentive to finally cease drinking, most are not equipped to make such a extreme lifestyle change all directly. Lots of heavy drinkers fail to quit cold turkey but do much better when they taper gradually, or even learn to moderate their drinking. In case you have decided that you require to cease drinking, there is a world of help & support available. Pittsburgh Alcoholics Anonymous offers meetings throughout the greater Pittsburgh area. There is as well as a Pittsburgh group for Parents of Teenage Alcohol & Drug Abusers. There's also lots of treatment-based programs, as well as support groups for families of alcoholics. 

32. Get Out of Debt
Was funds a large source of stress in your life last year? Join the millions of Americans who have resolved to spend this year getting a handle on their finances. It is a promise that will repay itself lots of times over in the coming year. 

33. Help Others
A popular, non-selfish New Year's resolution, volunteerism can take lots of forms. Whether you select to spend time helping out at your local library, mentoring a kid, or building a house, there's lots of nonprofit volunteer organizations that could use your help. The Pittsburgh Cares organization makes it simple by connecting volunteers with projects to fit practically any schedule. Or if your time is in short supply, possibly you can at least find it in you to donate the furniture, clothing & other household items that you no longer need, than leaving them out by the curb to fill up our landfills. 

34. Learn Something New
Have you vowed to make this year the year to learn something new? Perhaps you are thinking about a career change, require to learn a brand spanking new language, or how to fix your computer? Whether you take a coursework or read a book, you'll find schooling to be of the simplest, most motivating New Year's resolutions to keep. The Community College of Allegheny County offers a wide range of "lifelong learning" courses, & local YMCA's offer great recreational training for beginners of all ages. Most local colleges & universities offer distance & adult schooling programs. Or if the arts are more your thing, places such as the Carnegie Museum of Art & the Pittsburgh Middle for the Arts offer adult studio classes. 

35. Get Organized
On every New Year resolution top0 list, organization can be a very reasonable objective. Whether you require your home organized that you can invite someone over on a whim, or your office organized that you can find the stapler when you need it, these tips & resources ought to get you started on the way to a more organized life. Pittsburgh has a few professional organizers who can help you reduce the clutter in your life & find peace in your home. Professional Pittsburgh organizer Patty Kreamer even offers a a six-month But I Might Need it Somday! ecourse.

other than these your resolutions might be:
Lose Weight
Volunteer to Help Others
Quit Smoking
Get a Better Education
Get a Better Job
Save Money
Get Fit
Eat Healthy Food
Manage Stress
Manage Debt
Take a Trip
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Drink Less Alcohol

Zero Gravity Day: Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity on January 4th 2014

It has been revealed by the British astronomer Patrick Moore that, on the morning of January 4th 2014,  an extraordinary astronomical event will occur. At exactly 9:47 am, the planet Pluto will pass directly behind Jupiter, in relation to the Earth. This rare alignment will mean that the combined gravitational force of the two planets would exert a stronger tidal pull, temporarily counteracting the Earths own gravity and making people weigh less. Moore calls this the Jovian-Plutonium Gravitational Effect.

        Moore told scientists that they could experience the phenomenon by jumping in the air at the precise moment the alignment occurred. If they do so, he promised, they would experience a strange floating sensation.

        Astronomers have long been aware that there would be an alignment of the planets on that date, when Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto would be on the same side of the Sun, within an arc 95 degrees wide. But now the effect could be expected as the gravitational effect of the other planets on the Earths crust is maximum even at their closest approach.

          If you think you will be able to float around your house then you will be mistaken. BUT if you jump in the air at 9:47AM local time on January 4th 2014, it should take you about 3 seconds to land back on your feet instead of the usual 0.2 seconds.  January 4th 2014 will be a popular day for crazy stunts going on youtube. Do you have any ideas for stunts?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nepalese Election Status Updates, One Liners, Jokes and More!

Election Day Quotes & Status Updates:
  • Politicians are like diapers.They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.
  • I wish politicians cared half as much about doing their job as they do about getting elected.
  • I just made Romney noodles Obama self.
  • Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least.
  • Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
  • The problem with political jokes is they get elected.
  • The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
  • Democracy is three wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper.
  • The best way to combat criminals is by not voting for them.
  • America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won’t cross the street to vote.
  • Vote Democrat – it’s easier than working! |  Vote Republican – it’s easier than thinking!
  • One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.
  • Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
  • Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.
  • To err is human. To blame someone else is politics.
  • If Obama wins, I will leave the country. If Romney wins, I will leave the country. This is not a political joke, I just want to travel.
Best Romney Status: I’m predicting Obama will take an early lead tomorrow… Until all the Republicans get off work.
Best Obama Status:  Q: Why can’t Mitt Romney screw in a light bulb? A: Because he can’t decide which way to turn.

Regular-Old Funny Statuses:
  • Imagine being 100% naked and hearing a bunch of loud noises you don’t understand, that’s what it’s like to be an animal.
  • If you have my phone number but insist on posting some personal tidbit on my FB wall, I’ll beat the crap out of you.
  • Never sure if it’s a roof rack or a cop car.  
  • Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for — in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
  • Nobody looks back on their life and remembers the nights they had plenty of sleep.
  • I advise you, don’t mess with me, I know karate, kung fu, judo, tae kwon do, jujitsu, and 28 other dangerous words.
  • It’s impossible for a woman to say ‘I’m not overreacting’ without screaming.  
  • Spoiler Alert: You drive a Honda Civic, not an epic Dragon. You don’t need a giant wing on the back. Knock that crap off.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

TIHAR Facebook status 2070 BS, Happy Deepawali 2013 AD

Guys here are some cool status and wishes for tihar that you would want to share among friends and family.

Ghar ma Laxmi ko baas hos, Satruko naas hos, Harek kamana fulfil hos, beer ko barsat hos Ani haatma 21 patti Taas hos. TIHAR KO SHUBHAKAMANA.

Let every joy ask LIGHT from u, Let every LIGHT ask LIFE from U, Let ur life b filled with immense LIGHT that even the sun ask LIGHT from U. HAVE A COLORFUL TIHAR.

Suji ko Roti,pyaj ka Aachar,
Surya Ko Kiran,Khushi ko Bahar,
Chandra Ko Chandi, Tapai ko Pyar,
Suvakamana tapai lai, Deepawali ko tihar

A Cup of hot hello, A plate of crispy wishes, a spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success Specially 4 U. .. Wish a very very HAPPY jhilimili tiHaR.

Sunaulo kadam ko sath aun laxmi je tapai ko dwar,
Sukha samridhi laun garnus mero suvakamana sweekar.

It is time to feel good, time 4 reunion, time 2 share happiness, time to feel being loved, time 2 show ur love, time 2 live for others and time to wish for peace. HAPPY DIWALI. cheeeeeers.

Har pal khusi rahos saath
Sadai muhar ma rahos tapai ko hasaien
Hamro tarfa bata tapai lai
Happy Depaawali

Wishing u a wonderful SUPER-DUPER, Zabardast, jhilimili, Xtra special ekdum mast n ekdum happy, bole to ekdum jhakaas … HAPPY DEEPAWALI.

This SMS will Xplode in 5 Secs.
5 ….
4 ….
3 ….
2 ….
1 ….

May ur happiness b as big as Ganeshji's ear, ur problem b as tiny as his mouse, ur LIFE b as long as his trunk n moments b as sweet as his Laddu. HAPPY COLORFUL TIHAR.

No sweet thoughs 2 forward No cute graphics to send, Just a CARING HEART SAYing HAPPY DIWALI. (((((((dyanng))))))

Specially for you- *BUMPER DIWALI OFFER* send me a beautiful sms & win:
1) 25 Lacs ki car ka photo.
2) 29" TV ka BOX.
3) Dubai jane wale plane ko TATA karne ka mauka.
4) Dharhara se jump karne ka do FREE TICKETS. aur
5) mere saath FREE DINNER wo v Aap ke ghar me.

With gleam of Diyas
And the Echo of the Chants
May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your life
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!!

Sunaulo kadam ko sath aun laxmi je tapai ko dwar,

Sukha samridhi laun garnus mero suvakamana sweekar.
Happy Tihar � Happy Tihar

Ghar ma Laxmi ko baas hos,

Satruko naas hos,
Harek kamana fulfil hos,
beer ko barsat hos
Ani haatma 21 patti Taas hos.

Sunaulo kadam ko sath aun laxmi je tapai ko dwar,

Sukha samridhi laun garnus mero suvakamana sweekar.
Happy Tihar � Happy Tihar

With Gleam Of Diyas

And The Echo Of The Chants
May Happiness And Contentment Fill Your Life
Wishing You A Very Happy And Prosperous Deewali!!

Aai aai Diwali aai, Saath me kitni Khushiya laayi,

Dhoom machao, mauz manao, aap sabhi ko Diwali ki badhai.
Happy Diwali

Let every joy ask LIGHT from u, Let every LIGHT ask LIFE from U, Let ur life b filled with immense LIGHT that even the sun ask LIGHT from U. HAVE A COLORFUL TIHAR.
Specially for you- *BUMPER DIWALI OFFER* send me a beautiful sms & win:

1) 25 Lacs ki car ka photo.
2) 29″ TV ka BOX.
3) Dubai jane wale plane ko TATA karne ka mauka.
4) Dharhara se jump karne ka do FREE TICKETS. aur
5) mere saath FREE DINNER wo v Aap ke ghar me.

A Cup of hot hello, A plate of crispy wishes, a spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success Specially 4 U. .. Wish a very very HAPPY jhilimili tiHaR.
Suji ko Roti,pyaj ka Aachar,

Surya Ko Kiran,Khushi ko Bahar,
Chandra Ko Chandi, Tapai ko Pyar,
Suvakamana tapai lai, Deepawali ko tihar

It is time to feel good, time 4 reunion, time 2 share happiness, time to feel being loved, time 2 show ur love, time 2 live for others and time to wish for peace. HAPPY DIWALI. cheeeeeers.
s diwali pe humari dua hai ki apka har sapnna pura ho,
duniya ke unche mukam apke ho,
shoharat ki bulandiyon par naam apka ho!
Wish u a very Happy Diwali!


Maas ko Bara, mula ko AAchar,
Aunsi ko kalo ratma DEEyo ko bahar
Surya Ko Kiran, Khushi ko Bahar,
Suvakamana tapai lai HAPPY TIHAR

Har pal khusi rahos saath
Sadai muhar ma rahos tapai ko hasaien
Hamro tarfa bata tapai lai
Happy Depaawali

Wishing u a wonderful SUPER-DUPER, Zabardast, jhilimili, Xtra special ekdum mast n ekdum happy, bole to ekdum jhakaas ? HAPPY DEEPAWALI.
Let every joy ask LIGHT from u, Let every LIGHT ask LIFE from U, Let ur life b filled with immense LIGHT that even the sun ask LIGHT from U. HAVE A COLORFUL TIHAR.
Ghar ma Laxmi ko baas hos, Satruko naas hos, Harek kamana fulfil hos, beer ko barsat hos Ani haatma 21 patti Taas hos. TIHAR KO SHUBHAKAMANA.

Happy Deepawali to everyone out there reading this post.
Also do comment if u want some more wishes and status ideas, i would love to help u guys. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Best Dahsain wishes Compilation 2070

Hey Nepalese! I brought you some dashain wishes and status ideas. Get connected with Friends and family with these wishes compilation.

aayo dashain aayo, khusiyaali layo

charai tira batabaran umangalle chayo
mannka dukha basta, chhedik bhayepani birsaayo
haasi kheli ramai manaaine parwa aayo
dashainko sabailai subhakaamana
आयो दशै आयो, खुशीयाली ल्यायो
चारै तीर बातावरण उमंगलले छायो
मंनका दु:ख कस्ट, छेडिक भयेपनि बिर्सायो
हासी खेली रमाइ मनाइने पर्व आयो
दशैको सबैलाई शुभकामना
dhashainma durga bhawani daahine rahun,
tiharma  laxmile baas garun,
sampurna nepaliko ghar aanganma
durga bhawani, laxmile sadha khusi chharun
Yehi nai hamro sabailai hardik mangal maya subhakaamanana
दशैमा दुर्गा भवानी दाहिने रहुन,
तिहारमा  लक्ष्मीले बास गरुन,
सम्पूर्ण नेपालीको घर आगनमा
दुर्गा भवानी, लक्ष्मीले सधा खुसी छरुन
येहि नै हाम्रो सबैलाई हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना
pyaara istamitraharu sada petrol paiyos,
loadshedding nahos, bandha ra hadtaal naparos,
mobileko network laagos, netaharuma samriddhi aaos,
mahangi kam hos, purahos sabaiko manokaamana
yehi chha mero dashain ra tiharko subhakaamana
प्यारा इस्तमित्रहरु सदा पेट्रोल पाइयोस,
loadshedding नहोस्, बन्द र हड्ताल नपरोस,
मोबाईलको नेट्वोर्क लागोस, नेताहरुमा सुबुद्दी आओस,
महंगी कम होस्, पुराहोस् सबैको मनोकामना
येही छ मेरो दशै र तिहारको शुभकामना
“aayo dashain dhol bayai
gayo dashain rin bokai”
ukhan ko punara bitti nahos,
jhadapakhalaa pidit ko pet ma anna paros
khokro aadambar tyagera dashain manau
bijaya dashami ko yehi kaamaan
“आयो दशै ढोल बजाइ
गयो दशै रिन बोकाइ”
उखान को पुनराबित्ति नहोस्,
झाडापखाला पीडित को पेट मा अन्न परोस
खोक्रो आडम्बर त्यागेर दशै मनाउ
बिजया दशमी को येही कामना
naya nepal bhanda bhandai dashain aaisakyo
saradako nyano ghaamle dharti chhoisakyo
kahele hola maanisama ekatako baasa
yehi dashainma bhayepani hunthiyo bipattiko naas
नयाँ नेपाल भन्दा भन्दै दसैं आएसक्यो
सरदको न्यानो घामले धर्ती छोइसक्यो
कहिले होला मानिसमा एकताको बास
येहि दशैमा भएपनि हुन्थियो बिपत्तिको नाश
Thuloko aashis,
Saanoko maya,
Dashainko ramjham
sadhai rahi rahos.
Happy DASHAIN !!!
A Cup of hot hello, A plate of crispy wishes, a spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success Specially 4 U. .. Wish a very very HAPPY BIJAYA DASHAMI
May ur happiness b as big as Ganeshji’s ear, ur problem b as tiny as his mouse, ur LIFE b as long as his trunk n moments b as sweet as his Laddu. HAPPY PEACEFUL DASHAIN
Three people are asking ur mobile no. with me.
I didn’t give ur no but I gave home address to them.
They are coming at ur home in this Dashain.
They are Sukha, Shanti and Samriddhi.
Please welcome them. SUBHA DASHAIN. enjoy !!
Ghyampo-bhari raksi hos
nidharma tika hos
sathibhai haru sanga ramailo hos
hathma ekka ko trail hos. HAPPY DASHAIN.
Changa chait ramailo bhet
Khasiko rate masuko plate
Juwako khal chiurako thal
65 saal Dashain babbal
Happy Dashain
A RELAXED mind, A PEACEFUL soul, A JOYFUL spirit, A HEAL THY body, Be A Heartfull of Love, May U have all these Everyday. Happy Dashain!
Look Outside…
It’s so pleasant!
Sun Smiling For you…
Trees Dancing for you…
Birds singing for you…
Because I requested them All to wish You. HAPPY DASHAIN
Before the Golden Sun Rise,
let me decorate each of the Rays with Wishes of Success, prosperous and Happiness 4 u and 4 ur Family. HåpPY D@SH@iN
This sms with xplode in 5 seconds.
,.-~*´¨¯¨`*•~-.¸-(_ Wishing You _)-,.-~*´¨¯¨`*•~-.¸
׺°”~`”°º××÷•.•´¯`•)» Å VË®¥ HåppY D@SH@iN «(•´¯`•.•÷×׺°”~`”°º×
Thuloko aashis,
Saanoko maya,
Chamkiyos, Nidharma
Rato tika ani pahelo jamarako,
Sital chhaya,
Rahirahos Dashainko ramjham,
Sadhai Bhari,
Manaula Dashain Pheri pani
Yesai gari
Happy DASHAIN !!!
यद आयो भने आँखा बन्द नगर्नु, भेट भएन भने पनि दुख नमान्नु,
हामि सँधै सँगै हुनु पर्छ भन्ने पनि केहि छैन,
तर   मित्रताको ढोका कहिले बन्द नगर्नु ।
टिका होस निधारमा, जमरा होस कानमा,
खुसि छवोस परिवारमा, अनि शान्ती देशमा,
दशैँमा खुसिनै खुसि बास होस सबै  शत्रु हरुको नास होस ।
विजय दशमी 2070 को हार्दिक मंङगलमय
Look around.
It’s so pleasant Sun is Smiling for You,
Trees are Dancing for You,
Birds are Singing for You,
But I’am Wising You a Many Many
Pray  to God give U
शुभ दशैं
बिहानि उज्यालो लाई परखदै अन्धेरी रात मा रुमलिए पनि झरणालाई नियालेर नि तिर्खाइमा तड्पिए पनि साहसको बाटो परिबर्तन नहोस यात्रा निरन्तर चलिरहोस हुरिवतासको लहर जती नै बेगले चले पनि कर्मको दियो अटुट बलिरहोश यही छ मेरो भावना बिजया दशमिको हारदिक मङगलमय शुभकामना शुभकामना शुभकामना शुभकामना !!!
Birse hunchha  Dukha  pida sathibhai majha
Lie aayo sara khusi  Dashain hamro sajha
Bada dashainko yahi chha mero subhakamana
Chawos harsa ra umanga pura houn manokamana.
Tika hos nidharma  Khusi hos manma
Rangichangi ful ani jamara hos kanma
Satruharu nas houn mahisasur jastai
Manokamana pura hos chitaye jasai.
सुख दु:ख बाँडिचुँडि खुसिहरु लिई,
वर्षौवेखि खोसिएका मायाहरुपाई
भवानिको भएजति पाई आशिष सबै
उमङगले भरोस तिम्रो यो वर्षको दशैं ।
घुमिफिरी आयो हेर वडादशैं हाम्रो,
खुसीयाली बाँडिहेरौ त्यहि हुन्छ राम्रो ।
भवानिको प्रसाद लिई आशिष तिमी माग,
वडादशैंको शुभकामना सबैसामु राख।
Near or far wherever u r,
My best wishes r with U,
May success & joy be yours everyday,
Yehi chha mero kamana
“Happy dashain”
प्रचण्ड झैँ गफाडी नहुनु ,
गिरिजा झैँ घमण्डी नहुनु ,
माधव नेपाल झैँ दोधारे नहुनु ,
सेर बाहादुर झैँ अनाडी नहुनु ,
सुर्य बाहादुर झैँ सैतान नहुनु ,
ज्ञानेन्द्र झैँ लाचारि नहुनु ,
फोरम झैँ बिखण्डनकारि नहुनु ,
यहि छ मेरो BIJAYA DASHAMIKO 2070 को शुभकामना
I wish you all a very very happy Dashain 2070. I wish you all a very successful times in the days to come and hope for better health, prosperity and luck. Take a look at the sms below i did for Dashain…
As the candlelight flame
Ur life may always be happy,
As the mountain high
U move without shy,
As sunshine creates morning glory
fragrance fills years as Flory,
All darkness is far away
As light is on its way.
Happy Dashain 2070
Ghyampo-bhari raksi hos
nidharma tika hos
sathibhai haru sanga ramailo hos


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